Thursday, July 31, 2008

Developing Your Ability of Clairvoyance - Your Clear Seeing

How are dreams a way of clear seeing for us as healing practitioners?

First of all, both the Old and New Testaments are filled with prophetic dreams that were messages from God for the people. Sometimes, the dreams were completely symbolic and had to be interpreted by one of the Old Testament figures. Often the messages we might receive in dreams come to us in symbols. Some of these will be universal while others are unique to you. Pay attention to all the nuances of the dream-the colors, symbols, people, actions, etc. Many times the meaning of a dream may not be revealed until much later. If we listen closely to our dreams, we will gain the needed insights to resolve conflicts, heal relationships, and heal our bodies and our emotions. Sometimes dreams can give us direction for the healing path we have chosen.

What are Visions?

Visions are like dreams only they occur in the waking state and not the dream state. The Acts of the Apostles recounts many visions that shaped the early Christian Church. Paul had a vision that a man would heal his blindness and Ananias had a vision that he was to find Paul to heal his blindness. In another significant vision story, Cornelius a centurion had a vision of an angel who told him to send for Peter. Peter likewise had a strange vision in which he was told to kill and eat animals that were clearly not Kosher. Just then, the servants of Cornelius showed up to take him back to their master. When Peter began to tell Cornelius and his friends about Jesus, the Holy Spirit came upon them all and they began to speak in tongues. Then Peter understood the vision-Jesus came for everyone, Jew and non-Jew alike. Don't discount visions as only for those who are religious. Visions might lead you in your healing practice or direct you to create a healing center or a healing program. Visions can be small or large. Sometimes our clear seeing comes in the form of mental pictures. We get a "snap-shot" view of where something is hidden or a picture comes to mind of someone we need to call.

Most people can relate to this if they are visual in nature at all. Some can even see a mental movie before their eyes of things yet to come. This is really not that uncommon. Who among us has not lost our car keys or some other needed object? When we are unable to find it and have become thoroughly frustrated, it comes to us to sit down quietly and try to picture where we last had the object we are seeking.

What About Seeing Auras and Angels--Is This a Form of Clairvoyance too?

And then of course there is seeing "auras" and "angel lights." Angel lights are very similar to seeing auras only they aren't around people. They may appear as flashes of light or soft glows in the corner of the room. Sometimes you may even see many lights around the altar of worship that don't seem to be attributed to the natural or artificial lighting of the space. They may be white or even colored lights. If you see them, check inside and see what you are feeling. If it's peace, then more than likely the lights are an indication of the presence of the angels.

Auras can be seen by many people including children. Auras can appear as a glow around people, animals and objects that range from a pale gray/blue or white to multiple colors. The aura can be seen from a few inches to several feet around the person, animal or object. Are you intrigued about developing your ability to clearly see? The Institute of Spiritual Healing & aromatherapy teaches courses throughout the United States on energy healing. One of the courses in this curriculum specifically addresses developing these skills.


Vijay Mohan Kohli said...

I feel that when one is fortunate enough to meet a guru or teacher who has travelled the entire path,he can teach one the method of meditation by which one learns to go back to the Divine and in this process visions,clairvoyance,better and clear understanding of things is a part and parcel of the process.
All this happens because in a sense the guru actually guides you through the entire process but it entails surrendering entirely to him.This also means that ego has to be shelved.
When one follows his teacher's advice then the meaning is far superior to that of trying to practice it on your own.After all your guru takes you forward by helping you open your third eye!

Vijay Mohan Kohli said...

What is intuition?Why is it that some have a much better developed power of intuition than others?